PostMark takes a collection of API routes from Postman and converts it into Markdown friendly syntax ready to be added to a GitHub
file. For our first stage we are using GitHub Flavored Markdown, hopefully adding others if time permits.
Since documentation is incredibly important when hosting a project on GitHub we believe that this will help developers very easily show the routes used in their APIs. This should save the developer time, make using a project easier for users and improve readability of documentation.
We hope to make PostMark an installable NodeJS package and eventually a serverless function that any user can pass a JSON-based Postman collection to and recieve back Markdown syntax.
IN - What does our product do?
- Conversion from Postman collection exports to GitHub Flavored Markdown.
- Creates well formated route visualization.
- Provides easy access to route testing.
- Node.js package that can be installed with npm.
- AWS Lambda function providing API access to our conversion service.
OUT - What will your product not do?
- It will not teach the user how to create a proper Postman collection.
- Does not create code for routes in a Postman collection.
- Does not provide a graphical user interface
Project Goals
- Is to convert Postman collection to Markdown
Stretch Goals
- Create an AWS API Gateway attached to a Lambda to prove API access to the conversion service.
- Use CLI to prompt the user to eventually create an entire useful README.
Functional Requirements
- User can import a Postman collection and receive back formatted Markdown syntax in their or a separate document.
- User can send the Postman collection JSON object to AWS Lambda function and receive back formatted Markdown syntax.
Data Flow
Software Requirements
- Postman - API developement/testing tool
- Node.js - JavaScript framework
- fs - File system access
- prompt - Command line information to variables
- Jest - For testing
- AWS - Amazon Web Service
- API Gateway - Creates REST/HTTP routes
- Lambda - Serverless functions
- GitHub/git - Version control software
Non-Functional Requirements
- Testability - We should be able to test:
- Inputting a Postman collection (exported from Postman and not edited after the export).
- Testing that JSON on import, accounting for all of the objects that we will eventually need to use in our output.
- Common issues like missing data should gracefully degrade to a section of output being created but left empty. (The user can fill this out later).
- Any problems with file input should be returned to the user in the most accurate and helpful way possible.
- Usability - User should be able to:
- Assume that putting a Postman collection in their assets folder is a good default location.
- However, user should be able to change the location of their Postman collection.
- Expect their well documented Postman collection to be exported in GitHub compatible Markdown syntax.
- That exported Markdown syntax should create a visually appealing, informative display of their routes.
Full Whiteboard/UML